Three Critical First-Party Data Trends in 2023

Robert McHugh
5 min readFeb 21, 2023

There has been a buildup of discussion over the years about how brands need to shift from third-party to first-party data sources to analyze user behavior, improve ad targeting, and enhance the customer experience. Full cookie depreciation is an ever moving target and still a while off, plus, 3P data is not limited to cookies anyway. However, the prospect of losing this source of information has sent organizations and their marketing teams scrambling to figure out how best to fill the gaps.

Numerous surveys from Forrester and Gartner report that organizations are at odds with the realities of building and implementing the systems needed to directly capture, analyze, and act on 1P user data. Among the leading companies that have started the process, most lack well developed use cases that address long term organizational goals.

This dichotomy is a classic case of not seeing the forest for the trees. There is so much focus on evolving technologies and the organizational restructuring of systems, that the under-currents driving all of this change are getting lost. Any transformation on such a wide scale will not pay off without keeping the bigger picture of where this is all going front and center.

That said, the following are three critical trends that are getting buried under all the discussion about first-party…



Robert McHugh

Data Science | Analytics | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Problem Solver